[AS2] preloader for xml gallery

Hi all,
i have an xml picture gallery with a thumbnails row etc.
This is the code in the first frame of the timeline:

System.useCodePage = true;
imageURL = new Array();
thumbURL = new Array();
des = new Array();
myXML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
myXML.onLoad = function (temp)
    _global.numOfPhoto = this.childNodes.length;
    for (i = 1; i <= numOfPhoto; i++)
        imageURL* = this.childNodes[i - 1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
        thumbURL* = this.childNodes[i - 1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0];
        des* = this.childNodes[i - 1].childNodes[2].childNodes[0];
    } // end of for
stop ();

and in the second frame:

centerX = 400;
centerY = 275;
gapOfBtn =105;
gap = 6;
btnEnd = gap;
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
speed = 20;
_global.current = 1;
title.text = des[1];
work.onEnterFrame = function ()
    this.temp1 = this.screen.getBytesLoaded();
    this.temp2 = this.screen.getBytesTotal();
    if (this.temp1 == this.temp2 && this.temp1 > 200)
        work.screen._x = centerX - work.screen._width / 2;
        work.screen._y = centerY - work.screen._height / 2;
        work.screen._visible = 0;
        myColor = new Color(work.screen);
        myColorTransform = new Object();
        work.screen.ra = 100;
        work.screen.ga = 100;
        work.screen.ba = 100;
        work.screen.aa = 100;
        work.screen.rb = 255;
        work.screen.gb = 255;
        work.screen.bb = 255;
        work.screen.ab = 0;
        work.screen.onEnterFrame = function ()
            myColorTransform = {ra: this.ra, rb: this.rb, ga: this.ga, gb: this.gb, ba: this.ba, bb: this.bb, aa: this.aa, ab: this.ab};
            this.ra = this.ra + (100 - this.ra) / speed;
            this.ga = this.ga + (100 - this.ga) / speed;
            this.ba = this.ba + (100 - this.ba) / speed;
            this.aa = this.aa + (100 - this.aa) / speed;
            this.rb = this.rb + -this.rb / speed;
            this.gb = this.gb + -this.gb / speed;
            this.bb = this.bb + -this.bb / speed;
            this.ab = this.ab + -this.ab / speed;
            work.screen._visible = 1;
        delete this.onEnterFrame;
    } // end if
for (i = 1; i <= numOfPhoto; i++)
    btnSet.attachMovie("btn", i, i + 10);
    btnSet*._x = gapOfBtn * (i - 1) + 10;
    btnSet*._y = 0;
    btnSet*.onRollOver = function ()
    btnSet*.onRollOut = function ()
        if (this._name != current)
        } // end if
    btnSet*.onRelease = function ()
        if (current != this._name)
        } // end if
        title.text = des[current];
        _global.current = Number(this._name);
        title.text = des[current];
        work.onEnterFrame = function ()
            this.temp1 = this.screen.getBytesLoaded();
            this.temp2 = this.screen.getBytesTotal();
            if (this.temp1 == this.temp2 && this.temp1 > 200)
                work.screen._x = centerX - work.screen._width / 2;
                work.screen._y = centerY - work.screen._height / 2;
                work.screen._visible = 0;
                myColor = new Color(work.screen);
                myColorTransform = new Object();
                work.screen.ra = 100;
                work.screen.ga = 100;
                work.screen.ba = 100;
                work.screen.aa = 100;
                work.screen.rb = 255;
                work.screen.gb = 255;
                work.screen.bb = 255;
                work.screen.ab = 0;
                work.screen.onEnterFrame = function ()
                    myColorTransform = {ra: this.ra, rb: this.rb, ga: this.ga, gb: this.gb, ba: this.ba, bb: this.bb, aa: this.aa, ab: this.ab};
                    this.ra = this.ra + (100 - this.ra) / speed;
                    this.ga = this.ga + (100 - this.ga) / speed;
                    this.ba = this.ba + (100 - this.ba) / speed;
                    this.aa = this.aa + (100 - this.aa) / speed;
                    this.rb = this.rb + -this.rb / speed;
                    this.gb = this.gb + -this.gb / speed;
                    this.bb = this.bb + -this.bb / speed;
                    this.ab = this.ab + -this.ab / speed;
                    work.screen._visible = 1;
                delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } // end if
} // end of for
prev.enabled = 0;
if (numOfPhoto <= gap)
    prev.enabled = next.enabled = 0;
} // end if
prev.onRelease = function ()
    next.enabled = 1;
    if (btnEnd - gap > gap)
        btnSet.targetX = btnSet.targetX + gap * gapOfBtn;
        btnEnd = btnEnd - gap;
        btnSet.targetX = 0;
        btnEnd = gap;
        this.enabled = 0;
    } // end else if
prev.onRollOver = function ()
prev.onRollOut = function ()
next.onRelease = function ()
    prev.enabled = 1;
    if (btnEnd + gap < numOfPhoto)
        btnSet.targetX = btnSet.targetX - gap * gapOfBtn;
        btnEnd = btnEnd + gap;
        btnSet.targetX = btnSet.targetX - (numOfPhoto - btnEnd) * gapOfBtn;
        btnEnd = numOfPhoto;
        this.enabled = 0;
    } // end else if
next.onRollOver = function ()
next.onRollOut = function ()
btnSet.defaultX = btnSet._x;
btnSet.targetX = 0;
btnSet.onEnterFrame = function ()
    this._x = this._x + (this.targetX + this.defaultX - this._x) / 5;

Everything works perfectly but as it is now there’s no preloader bar when it loads the big images. I would like to add one but i don’t know how.:frowning:
Can anybody help me? please…
