For the longest time now I have struggled with using a preloader that is in my main movie preload external swf’s. I have always just dumped my preloader in the first couple frames of the external swf’s. Which was always a pain in the butt. A couple weeks ago with the help of jbum over at FK, I built a preloader to load jpg’s. The preloader sat on the stage and showed up when the loading began, went away when the loading was complete. So I started to think, I could use this for my swf’s as well. It has saved me alot of time and works pretty good. So I just wanted to pass along the knowledge that I learned.
What it does:
1: It works for jpg’s as well as swf’s
2: Sits on the main stage so you don’t thave to add a preloader at the beginning of each external swf
3: Under onLoadComplete you can add actions to make whatever you want happen. I will leave that up to you
You have to test it live to see it work. For some reason doing the bandwidth test doesn’t make it show up.
Create 2 swf’s. “test.swf” "and “test2.swf”
test.swf loads up on start and test2.swf loads up with the button click.
But you can modify it to your liking.
I commented out what I know. It may not be perfect but it works pretty well.