[AS2] problem with setInterval

I’ve created a class that utilizes setInterval…

I call it in a different class…and I can’t get it to make the setInterval call. I’m thinking there’s a scope problem but I don’t see it.

Class w/ setInterval:

class Foo {
        private [COLOR=#000087]var[/COLOR] id:[COLOR=#000087]Number[/COLOR];
        public [COLOR=#000087]function[/COLOR] Foo() {
                id = -1;
        public [COLOR=#000087]function[/COLOR] init():Void {
                id = [COLOR=#000087]setInterval[/COLOR]([COLOR=#000087]this[/COLOR], "[COLOR=blue]display[/COLOR]", 500);
        private [COLOR=#000087]function[/COLOR] display():Void {
                [COLOR=#000087]trace[/COLOR]("[COLOR=blue]blah here blah[/COLOR]");

I use this like:

[COLOR=#000087]var[/COLOR] fooInstance = [COLOR=#000087]new[/COLOR] Foo();
fooInstance.init();  [COLOR=#878787]// I get the "init", but NOT "blah here blah"[/COLOR]

Extra info…if I call:

[COLOR=#000087]setInterval[/COLOR](display, 500);

The function will get called but I need access to the class’s instance variables inside display().

Thanks for any and all help…