Hey there.
I have a movie set up with several scenes. Its like a deck of cards that flips over every 10 seconds to reveal a different random quote. I have a configuration button on this scene that takes the user to a configuration screen to change the properties of the desk like size and manual or automatic rotation.
My problem is that if someone clicks the configuration button, it takes them to the proper scene… but at the end of the 10 seconds from the last quote loaded… it takes them back to the first scene. Even if I put stop(); in the configuration scene. Once the interval timer starts, it takes users back to the main scene when the time is up.
Here is the code for the interval…
var nInterval = setInterval(Play, 10000);
function Play() {
Can I change this code to cure my problem? Is there anything I can add to the second scene to clear the interval?
Please help!