Hey guys, sorry to be a pain in my first time posting, but I’m very new to Flash, and most of the time creeping around the site usually sorts out any problems I have. I’ve made a quiz with AS2 that has 10 multiple choice questions (each with their own frame, which links to another frame on submitting the answer, detailing whether or not the answer is right), a 20 second timer, and a score counter, and everything is working fine. I’m just curious if its possible to have it so only 5 of the 10 questions are picked at random and without repeating, before going to the final frame with the final score?
I’m also curious to know if there is some way that depending on your total score, a different message appears on the final screen, e.g. if you get 1 or 2/5 it says “good”, 3 or 4/5 “great”, and 5/5 “excellent”.
I’ve linked my project to dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/upe0gx5s54c9z2o/moviequiz.fla
Thanks for any help, and again sorry if I’m being a nuisance.