[AS2] Scripted Typewriter Effect Visual Discrepancy Between Static and Dynamic text

Hi all,

this is my time posting here so apologies if I’ve posted it in the wrong place or something, please let me know!

I’m a student working on a game project similar to Japanese visual novel games, Phoenix Wright and Hotel Dusk on the Nintendo DS. Basically it’s very visual and text heavy with not a lot of animation and heavy duty programming (which is great because I’m not a programmer haha).

I’ve use this tutorial: http://www.actionscript.org/resources/articles/50/1/Scripted-Typewriter-Effect/Page1.html and I’ve modified it so that the button would jump to the next frame instead of going back and replaying the animation. My project is online on my deviantart account here: http://jdwasabi.deviantart.com/art/HW-Flash-Novel-soundfx-test-254473718?q=gallery:jdwasabi&qo=2.

I couldn’t work out how to make the animation of the 1st text box stop before the second load of text appears so I changed the 1st textbox from dynamic to static text when the playhead jumps to the next frame because of its reliance on the timeline. This change then creates the visual discrepancy which is what I’m trying to get rid of, which results in several questions:[LIST=1]
[]Is there a code to stop the animation and make it static while the playhead jumps to the next frame? If so, could someone kindly explain it to me please?
]Is there an easier method to implement text just by typing into a fixed area of the textbox instead of working out where I need the next line by typing ’
[*]Lastly, since this current method is dependent on the timeline, is there possibly another way to get this animation effect without it being on the timeline (would it work if it’s in its own movie clip symbol)?
[/LIST]I’ll keep testing it out because I’ll be implementing sound/audio into it. As the playhead keeps going back to a certain frame to check when the animation has finished it also messes up the audio.

I’ve uploaded a .zip to mediafire here: http://www.mediafire.com/?ee3lb4t9a8bkelc containing the .fla file (CS5) and the audio files, hopefully it works!

Thank you for reading, hope to have replies soon!
