I done some debug.
I found that,
Script calculates the timebar position correct in the first song, if i select next song script continues to calculate from last timebar position.
So I have to reset the Tpercent variable for next and prev song
Here is my time calculate function. I’ll be really really glad if someone give me a clue!
Cause i really tired and i stuck.
function calculateTimeBar(k)
timeBar._xscale = 0;
timeBar.onEnterFrame = function()
totaltime = Math.floor(this._parent.sndTrack.duration/1000);
ongoingtime = Math.floor(this._parent.sndTrack.position/1000);
Tpercent = Math.floor(ongoingtime / totaltime * 100);
timeBar._xscale = Tpercent;