Hi I found this code on [COLOR=#0066cc]www.cleverpig.com[/COLOR] and it is exactly what I need. But I have problems with converting it to AS3.
Especialy I have problem with last part in for loop.
Can anyone help me with it please?
// script and comments by CleverPig ([www.cleverpig.com](http://www.cleverpig.com))
//expects a 600x300 stage with a dark background colour
// depth of the picture plane...
_global.ppDist = 500;
_global.speed = 5;
//update function to handle perspective projection and scaling
update = function ()
perspective = ppDist / (ppDist - this.z);
this._x = this.x * perspective;
this._y = this.y * perspective;
this._xscale = this._yscale = 100 * perspective;
// add z motion...
this.z += speed;
// push back when it reaches the view position...
if (this.z > 490)
this.z -= 2000;
//empty clips for drawing...
_root.createEmptyMovieClip ("drawing", 1);
_root.drawing.createEmptyMovieClip ("sq", 1);
// centre the 'drawing' mc on the stage...
_root.drawing._x = 300;
_root.drawing._y = 150;
// draw a solid white 4x4 square in the 'sq' mc
_root.drawing.sq.beginFill (0xffffff, 100);
_root.drawing.sq.moveTo (-2, -2);
_root.drawing.sq.lineTo (2, -2);
_root.drawing.sq.lineTo (2, 2);
_root.drawing.sq.lineTo (-2, 2);
_root.drawing.sq.lineTo (-2, -2);
_root.drawing.sq.endFill ();
// hide the original 'sq' off stage
_root.drawing.sq._y = 1000;
// make 198 copies of the square
for (i = 2; i < 400; i++)
initOb = {x:random (600) - 300, y:random (300) - 150, z:random (2000) - 1600};
//note: random(600)-300 gives a random integer between -300 & 299
//note: random(2000)-1600 gives a random integer between -1200 & 399
_root.drawing.sq.duplicateMovieClip ("s" + i, i, initOb);
_root.drawing["s" + i].onEnterFrame = _root.update;