[AS2] Trace not working

Hello. I have a trace pointed at a button that is inside a movieclip. So far targeting the button seems to be working, and the hit states and rollover effects all seem to be fine.

However, for some reason the trace I have put on release doesn’t seem to be working. I’ve attached the .fla, but heres a sample of the code, in case it’s something obvious. If anyone could take a look at this, I’d be very grateful. Its had me stumped for two days now (n00b alert).

First the code for attaching the mc that contains the button.

var newBtn = attachMovie("MP_v2RocketComponent", "MP_v2RocketComponent", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
newBtn._x = 370;
newBtn._y = 515;

Then I try to target the button inside it

MP_v2RocketComponent.v2RocketSectionBtn.onRelease = function()
         trace("clicked on MP_v2RocketComponent");

Like I say, the button seems to be working, but won’t seem to trace.

Thanks for taking a look.