AS3.0 Help!

So, I’ve decided to switch to AS3. But I have a few problems with my first project.

I’ll tell you how it works.

Okay, so I have 2 movie clips on the 1st frame. One is named ‘bc’ and the other is named ‘mc’. Both are circles with bc is big and mc is a small circle.
‘mc’ will follow my mouse.
IF ‘mc’ hits ‘bc’, mc will enlarge and fit to the width, height, x and y of it.

While mc is hitting bc and the tweening is complete, the object wont follow my mouse, it will just stick to the x and y’s of bc.

And if mc doesnt hit bc anymore, it will automatically tween to the mouse positions.

I used caurina’s library for smooth tweening.

I can’t get it to work. Any advice on the code?
Oh and I’m not using .as files.
Somehow Flash CS5 “check syntax” button doesnt give me any output.

**[COLOR=“Red”]*EDIT [COLOR=“Red”]//remove the space in ‘is’ ‘Hit’[/COLOR]

import caurina.transitions.*
 // 0 = follow
 // 1 = tween in
 // 2 = tween out
var is Hit:Boolean = false; [COLOR="Red"] //REMOVE SPACE![/COLOR]
var isTween:Boolean = false;
var i:Number = 0;
var orWH:Number = 11.05;

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);

function loop(e:Event):void

function updateRootEvents():void
	if(mc.hitTestObject(bc)) && is Hit == false && i == 0) [COLOR="Red"] //REMOVE SPACE![/COLOR]
		is Hit = true; [COLOR="Red"] //REMOVE SPACE![/COLOR]
		i = 1;
		is Hit = false; [COLOR="Red"] //REMOVE SPACE![/COLOR]
		if(i == 1 && is Hit == false) [COLOR="Red"] //REMOVE SPACE![/COLOR]
			tweenOut(); //tweenOut onComplete set i to 0.
			i = 2
		if(i == 0 && is Hit == false && isTween == false){ [COLOR="Red"] //REMOVE SPACE![/COLOR]
		mc.x = mouseX
		mc.y = mouseY

function tweenTo():void
{,1,{x:bc.x, y:bc.y, width:bc.width-10, height:bc.height-10, ease:easeOutExpo, onComplete:tweenToComplete});
	isTween = true

function tweenOut():void
{,1,{x:mouseX, y:mouseY, width:orWH, height:orWH, ease:easeOutExpo, onComplete:tweenOutComplete});
	isTween = true

function tweenToComplete():void
	isTween = false

function tweenOutComplete():void
	i = 0
	isTween = false

If there are any obvious mistakes, sorry.
I just started AS3 yesterday.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

[COLOR=“Blue”]Project files with the caurina library is HERE:[/COLOR]