I’m assuming some of you’s must be doin some AS3.0 so i’ll post it here to see if anyone knows the answer.
i have an array of MovieClips that i’m checking in an enterFrame event to see if the scaleX has hit one… if it has remove the child from the display list. I keep getting an
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The DisplayObject supplied must be a child of the caller.
now… what i’m doing is adding a child on every frame (a mc)… pushing it into an array and then checking the whole array to see if nay have hit their target scaleX’s as below
for (var i:int = this.ball_array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (this.ball_array*.scaleX >= 1)
there’s obviously somit worng with the way i’m doing this. Does anyone have any ideas?