AS3.0 -> Updating variables

Hello, I have reached an AS2.0 to AS3.0 migration problem.

My problem is finding out a way to allow multiple variables to be updated under a for loop with a variable number “i”.
In the past, I was able to get by using this code:

for (i=0;i<totalText;i++){
    ["text"+i] = arrayB*;

On the stage were dynamic textfields with variables text0 to text’totalText’
After the loop, everything in arrayB was allocated to the correct text variable on the stage.

However, I have had no luck in AS3.0
The close I have gotten was updating the right side.
The code I have at the moment is the following:

// Stage has **totalText** amount of dynamic texts that goes by the instance names: text0, text1...etc.

var holder:TextField();

for (var i:Number =0;i<totalText;i++){
    holder = ["text"+i]
    holder.text = arrayB*;

The left always gives me an error.
Is there any work around this? Or is there a better way of achieving this task?