I am attempting to create a fluid layout which will house a rather wide animation. I want to be able to set variables from inside the timeline of the instance of the class.
Class for creating a fluid object on the stage
package FluidLayout{
/* Add import classes here */
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.*;
public class FluidObject{
/* Declare instance variables here */
protected var _param:Object;
protected var _target:DisplayObject;
protected var _stage:Stage;
public function set param(value:Object):void
_param = value;
/* Constructor of the class */
public function FluidObject(target:DisplayObject,paramObj:Object)
_target = target;
_param = paramObj;
_stage = target.stage;
_stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize);
/* Function that repositions the monitored object */
protected function reposition():void
var stageW = _stage.stageWidth;
var stageH = _stage.stageHeight;
_target.x = (stageW * _param.x) + _param.offsetX;
_target.y = (stageH * _param.y) + _param.offsetY;
/* Function that is called when the RESIZE event is fired */
protected function onStageResize(e):void
This is the structure.as that is linked to structure.fla
package {
import flash.display.*;
import FluidLayout.*;
public class Structure extends MovieClip{
public function Structure()
/* Set the Scale Mode of the Stage */
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
var viewer = new Viewer();
var viewerParam = {
offsetX: -viewer.width/2,
offsetY: -viewer.height/2
new FluidObject(viewer,viewerParam);
Inside the structure.fla there is movieclip called viewer that gets placed with structure.as.
Viewer contains animations. Inside the viewer movieclip on frame one is the following actionscript
this.param = {offsetX: -870};
What I am trying to accomplish is to create a fluid layout that runs an animation sequence.
The animation sequence is quite wide so it’s X position shifts during the course of it’s run.
I need to adjust that offsetX to match the animations x position otherwise when the stage
gets resized it snaps the animation x position back to 0.
The problem is I get no errors but the offsetX is definitely not changing. Am I going about this the wrong way? Where am I going wrong here?