I’m currently looking at a tutorial that loads thumbnails in from XML.
I’m deconstructing it to try and get used to AS3. Here is the bit I’m stuck on:
function thumbLoaded(e:Event):void {
var my_thumb:Loader = Loader(e.target.loader);
my_tweens[Number(my_thumb.name)]=new Tween(my_thumb, "alpha", Strong.easeIn, 0,1,0.5, true);
my_thumb.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, thumbLoaded);
The Tweens seem to be loaded into an array with
var my_tweens:Array = [];
But once these thumbnails are loaded and fade in I would like them to fade in and out again with a given pause in between. Maybe even varying the pause for each thumbnail.
Now that the tweens are in an array - how do I start fading them in and out again. I’ve tried:
my_tweens[Number(my_thumb.name)].addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFinish);
But it comes up with all sorts of errors.
What would be the best way to approach this?