AS3 help please

Hey guys,
as some of you may have done before, im pulling my hair our going from AS2 to AS3

here’s what I’m trying to do:

in AS2 i would have done something like:

in a movie clip located here: navContent.upper.rotater
I have this code on a key frame:

where = "b2p";

in a movie clip located here on a higher level: navContent.
I have this code on a key frame:

hitPlay.onRelease = function() {
    if (_root.navContent.upper.rotater.where == "b2p") {
        trace("play was hit");

in AS3 I am attempting this:

in a movie clip located here: navContent.upper.rotater
I have this code on a key frame:

var where:String="b2p";

in a movie clip located here on a higher level: navContent.
I have this code on a key frame:

//start MOUSE_DOWN play
hitPlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hitOnplay);
function hitOnplay(event:MouseEvent):void {
    if (MovieClip(root).navContent.upper.rotater.where=="b2p") {
        trace("play was hit");
//end MOUSE_DOWN play

any help for a frustrated AS3 noob would be greatly appreciated :emb: