AS3 Hex conversion Weirdness

In AS2:
var Data:Number = 1763478912341234132;
trace ( Data.toString(16) ); //3afdd200

In AS3, the same code outputs: 187922ba3afdd200
Where does the 187922ba come from ?

It’s ok, I found the AS3 version of it from

function decimalToHex($decimal:int, $padding:int = 2):String
var hex:String = Number($decimal).toString(16);
while (hex.length < $padding)
hex = “0” + hex;
return hex.toUpperCase();

var decimal:int = 1763478912341234132;
trace("decimal: " + decimal);
var hex:String = decimalToHex(decimal,4); //The 4 mins minimum four characters.
trace("hex: " + hex);

Isn’t 187922ba3afdd200 the correct conversion?

AS2 gives 3afdd200 and the new code I pasted from AS3 gives 3afdd200 so that’s interesting.

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