Just wondering how to go about making graphical buttons in AS3 along the lines as I have done in AS2 for years - which is pretty much along the lines of Grant Skinners GraphicButton (sure it’s widely known, but basically a movieclip with each state drawn into it, with frame labels like ‘up’, ‘over’ etc. - you just give as many movieclips as you like the class com.gskinner.controls.GraphicButton and you have your custom buttons)
Basically, designers would deliver a movieclip with the various states and after popping the class on, all is fine - a button that works like I want and looks like the designers want!
So with AS3? Seems a fair bit trickier to me! I obviously can’t give the same class to each - as it’s now the unique identifier.
I know I can use SimpleButton and assign each state from the library - but that requires my breaking up the movieclip to each of it’s states (no problem for a few - but when there are loads of the things this is a pain!).
Is there a way as straight forward as GraphicButton in AS3?? I’m guessing perhaps the way to go is the base class in Linkage properties panel, but I’m really not having any luck with that and getting into custom Events when all I want is ‘normal’ button events…
Oh and I also tried buttonMode=true, but really I need selected and disabled states too, which buttonMode doesn’t cater for…
So I would really appreciate any pointers on a good way to go about this…