AS3 is confusing me (function class confusion)

In the older AS’s you could call an array…

bob = new Array();

And then inside some random function be like…

bob[0] = “soldier”;
bob[1] = “40”;

etc… or at least

_root.bob[0] = “soldier”;

How can you do that in the new AS3?

Also I can’t seem to include anything… I thought include just stuck whatever I had into the middle of the page…

like if i had and inside it had only one line with … trace(‘hi bob’);

And i included that inside some random function, it would trace hi bob from that function… that just breaks my compiler when I try that… Why?

Thridly… I finnaly found out that to call a function from another class which was imported, I had to first import… then do something like…

public var game_new:game; // to make it useable

then inside the initial function i did a

game_new = new game(); //to me that seems very redundant, but ok i see how it doesn’t have to be…

then type
game_new.functionname(); //just to run that function

Is there an easier way?

Can the function ‘functionname()’ which was in game_new. call a function from the original package? like… initial2() or something like that?