AS3 Movieclip moving slowly

I have a game where the FPS are calculated on an On Enter Frame event…

and I have another event that listens for key presses (other for mouse events… but all are disabled…)

And I have game tiles loaded onto a movieclip in the following order…

map.addChild(thetilecliphere); <- that part is looped alot…at the start to generate the tiles

And then I go and press the down button, and move ‘map’… and the game FPS drops from 40 to 10… so i moved the canvas, and it still droped… but nothing moved (strange), and then i went child by child moving them, and it moved again, but still the 10fps…

I tried cacheAsBitmap… and nothing… I would post the code, but with all the stuff inbetween it… it’s like 700 lines long… i’m giving a general over view… Is the problem based on the fact that I’m using the flex canvas to work off of?? Is there any way I can do my own ‘canvas’ like mc… that falls under the canvas, and before all the GUI? I tried adding children to the canvas and it didn’t work.