Hi kirupers!
I’m facing my first project with as3, oop, etc. I’ve been reading tutorials and the Moock book but I need some generals guidelines… I’m a designer, not a programmer…
I’d like to keep the website very simple, and also make my first step into the oop way of thinking. This is why I’d like some general guidelines of someone with more experience, not exact instructions.
I want to make a portfolio of my personal projects. On the screen I want to have some movieclips moving arround, each one representing one project.
As I understand it I’ll have a “project” class extending the movieclip class and I’ll be reading an xml a make new instances of that class. Then each project should have a different movieclip inside of it depending on the type of project (web, print, audio, etc.).
Then this class will have a constructor that will put the data coming from the xml into it, attach the movieclips from the library, etc.
Am I on the wrong path?
Is there anything really obvious I’m missing here?
Thank you for your time