Hi all,
I’ve been searching far and wide for solid documentation on loading variables from a php file into as3. Although I’ve found a few bits and bobs I’ve not manage to come up with anything that works yet.
echo "galleryIdent=".$galleryIdent;
private var phpVariables:URLVariables;
private var phpRequest:URLRequest;
private var phpLoader:URLLoader;
private function loadPHP():void
phpVariables = new URLVariables();
phpRequest = new URLRequest("galleryPHP/galleryPHP.php");
phpRequest.data = phpVariables;
phpRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
phpLoader = new URLLoader();
phpLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
phpLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, phpLoadingComplete);
phpLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorListener);
private function phpLoadingComplete(e:Event):void
Now the trace gives me:
So it’s clearly communicating I’ve just go no idea how to turn that into the galleryIdent string I need.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance