AS3 poplulate dynamic text fields on different frames

I have an issue with my xml showing up in dynamic text fields that are on different frames. Attached is my as and xml. I have mc’s with dynamic text fields within them. They are all on different frames. I have my as for loading xml on frame 3 with the text fields defined there as well, yet when on the various frames after, there is no text in the fields… The only fields that are being populated are the ones on frame 3 (same as as for xml). Can anyone point me in the right direction? As always anything is greatly appreciated…

Please ask if you need further explanation…



var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();

xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);

xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("CalloutContent.xml"));

function LoadXML(e:Event):void {
    xmlData = new XML(;


function ParseContent(contentInput:XML):void {
    polygonBox.polygonHeader.htmlText = contentInput.callout.heading;
    polygonBox.polygonTxt.htmlText = contentInput.callout.texting;
    JouleBox.call2Header.htmlText = contentInput.callout.heading2;
    JouleBox.call2Txt.htmlText = contentInput.callout.texting2;
    textBox_mc.call3Header.htmlText = contentInput.callout.heading3;
    textBox_mc.call3Txt.htmlText = contentInput.callout.texting3;
    textBox2_mc.call4Header.htmlText = contentInput.callout.heading4;
    textBox2_mc.call4Txt.htmlText = contentInput.callout.texting4;
    textBox3_mc.call5Header.htmlText = contentInput.callout.heading5;
    textBox3_mc.call5Txt.htmlText = contentInput.callout.texting5;
    textBox4_mc.call6Header.htmlText = contentInput.callout.heading6;
    textBox4_mc.call6Txt.htmlText = contentInput.callout.texting6;
    textBox5_mc.call7Header.htmlText = contentInput.callout.heading7;
    textBox5_mc.call7Txt.htmlText = contentInput.callout.texting7;
    textBox6_mc.call8Header.htmlText = contentInput.callout.heading8;
    textBox6_mc.call8Txt.htmlText = contentInput.callout.texting8;
    trace("XML Output");



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-------CALLOUT 1----------------------------------------------->
    <heading>THIS IS ABOUT THE SIZE</heading>
    <texting>jumentum abigo paulatim meus.</texting>
    <!-------CALLOUT 2----------------------------------------------->
    <heading2>DIFFERENT THE SIZE</heading2>
    <texting2>Nobis quia occuro pala aptent</texting2>