AS3 Preload External Swf that Loads in XML Images

I’m doing this project for class and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for the following problem. I have 2 SWF’s: main.swf and contents.swf. The contents.swf loads in external images via XML and also loads in some text via the same XML file. I have a button in the main.swf file that loads the contents.swf. When the contents.swf is fully loaded into the main.swf file, the text (called from the contents.swf via XML) loads super fast while the images continue to load (since they are larger files). My question is how do I make it so that when the button on the main.fla file is clicked, BOTH the text and images are loaded at the same time (so that there is not a delay between loaded text and loaded images)??

The project is in AS3 and just to let you know I just started out learning the new language. I’m not very familiar with classes so all of my code is written in the timeline on the first frame.

Any ideas?