I need help to get my gallery (a movieClip of thumbnails) to scroll, with AS3.
The link below is an example of what I want.
(1) notice the EASING.
(2) notice the LEFT ARROW is disabled by default
(3) the thumbnails need to LOOP.
click on WORK: http://www.purplefringe.com/test/testScrollGallery.html
I DON’T need to make it dynamic or to have it work w/ XML. Just make it work w/ a movieClip, and I’m happy!
$100 is all I can dish out as this is not a paying gig but for my poor ol’ self.
Please contact me or reply to this post.
THANK YOU in advance!!
p.s. I’ll supply you my FLA and I got a few sample scrolling gallery FLAs (both AS2 & AS3) that may be helpful.