[AS3] Seeded Pseudo Random Number Generator

Most pseudo random number generators take a seed which the algorithm uses to generate random numbers from. Give the generator the same seed and you get the same stream of random numbers. This is great for testing, reproducing bugs, and synchronizing random numbers for multi-player games. Unfortunately, Flash’s Math.random doesn’t let you use a seed!

I’ve adapted .NET’s seeded Random Number Generator, which is based on Donald E. Knuth’s subtractive random number generator algorithm, to AS3. It’s short, so I’ve attached the entire code below. I compared the output of the AS3 version to the .NET version and they appear identical except for NextDouble() and NextNumber() which produce slightly different values in their least significant bits (this is caused by different floating point math processing.)

Common usage would be something like:

r:Random = new Random(getTimer()); //getTimer() acts as somewhat random seed.
trace("Seed: " + r.seed + " generates: " + r.nextInt());

Code Below:

	import flash.utils.ByteArray;
	public class Random
		// Fields
		private var _inext:int;
		private var _inextp:int;
		private const  MBIG:int = 0x7fffffff;
		private const  MSEED:int = 0x9a4ec86;
		private const MZ:int = 0;
		private var _seed:int;
		private var _seedArray:Vector.<int>;
		// Methods
		public function Random(seed:int)
			this._seed = seed;
			this._seedArray = new Vector.<int>(0x38, true);
			var num2:int = 0x9a4ec86 - Math.abs(seed);
			this._seedArray[0x37] = num2;
			var num3:int = 1;
			for (var i:int = 1; i < 0x37; i++)
				var index:int = (0x15 * i) % 0x37;
				this._seedArray[index] = num3;
				num3 = num2 - num3;
				if (num3 < 0)
					num3 += 0x7fffffff;
				num2 = this._seedArray[index];
			for (var j:int = 1; j < 5; j++)
				for (var k:int = 1; k < 0x38; k++)
					this._seedArray[k] -= this._seedArray[1 + ((k + 30) % 0x37)];
					if (this._seedArray[k] < 0)
						this._seedArray[k] += 0x7fffffff;
			this._inext = 0;
			this._inextp = 0x15;
			seed = 1;
		public function get seed():int
			return this._seed;
		private function getSampleForLargeRange():Number
			var num:int = this.internalSample();
			if ((this.internalSample() % 2) == 0)
				num = -num;
			var num2:Number = num;
			num2 += 2147483646.0;
			return (num2 / 4294967293);
		private function internalSample():int
			var inext:int = this._inext;
			var inextp:int = this._inextp;
			if (++inext >= 0x38)
				inext = 1;
			if (++inextp >= 0x38)
				inextp = 1;
			var num:int = this._seedArray[inext] - this._seedArray[inextp];
			if (num < 0)
				num += 0x7fffffff;
			this._seedArray[inext] = num;
			this._inext = inext;
			this._inextp = inextp;
			return num;
		public function nextInt():int
			return this.internalSample();
		public function nextMax(maxValue:int):int
			if (maxValue < 0)
				throw new ArgumentError("Argument \"maxValue\" must be positive.");
			return int(this.sample() * maxValue);
		public function nextMinMax(minValue:int, maxValue:int):int
			if (minValue > maxValue)
				throw new ArgumentError("Argument \"minValue\" must be less than or equal to \"maxValue\".");
			var num:Number = maxValue - minValue;
			if (num <= 0x7fffffff)
				return (((int) (this.sample() * num)) + minValue);
			return (((int) (Number(this.getSampleForLargeRange() * num))) + minValue);
		public function nextBytes(buffer:ByteArray, length:int):void
			if (buffer == null)
				throw new ArgumentError("Argument \"buffer\" cannot be null.");
			for (var i:int = 0; i < length; i++)
				buffer.writeByte(this.internalSample() % 0x100);
		public function nextNumber():Number
			return this.sample();
		protected function sample():Number
			return (this.internalSample() * 4.6566128752457969E-10);

I hope this helps people!