[AS3] send Object DataType, flash->PHP (simple Q)

Hi people,

simple question
How can i get the property values from an Object datatype in PHP?

situation: AS3.0 example
Using AS3.0 i am sending to PHP two variables inside an Object like this:

var var1:int = Math.floor( Math.random(  ) * 100 );
var var2:String = "test string";
var test:Object = new Object();
     test.var1 = var1;
     test.var2 = var2;

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "**path_to_php_file**" );
     request.data = test;
     request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(  );
     loader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, [COLOR=Red]**handleResponse **[/COLOR]);
     loader.load( request );

situation: PHP example
path_to_php_file points to PHP file called from flash, its content looks like this:

$fgc = file_get_contents("php://input");

echo "GLOBALS:__" . $glob .
file_get_contents:__" . $fgc .
POST:__" . $_POST;

The result is traced in flash (function **[COLOR=Red]handleResponse[/COLOR] **), and it traces:

file_get_contents:__**[COLOR=Navy][object Object][/COLOR]**

i also tried… (not working)
echo $fgc->var1 // returns empty string
echo $fgc[‘var1’] // returns left bracket --> [ (lol…)
echo $_POST[0] // returns empty string

my questions

  1. GLOBALS: why does $GLOBALS[‘HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA’] return empty string?
  2. file_get_contents: how can i trace values of properties var1 and var2 inside PHP?
  3. POST: how can i trace values of that Array datatype inside PHP ?

You see, this is simple problem, and i am complete llama with PHP :slight_smile:
Thank You so much for Your time…