Hey guys, I haven’t had a ton of time to futz with this problem and I’m a bit of a coding noob so forgive me that, but I found a solid AS3 function that skews a movieclip based on mouse position that’s also relatively simple:
import flash.events.Event;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, kk)
function kk(evt:Event):void
var rotY: Number = (mouseY-(stage.stageHeight/2))/(stage.height/2)*(10);
var rotX: Number = (mouseX-(stage.stageWidth/2))/(stage.width/2)*(-10);
box_mc.rotationX = rotY;
box_mc.rotationY = rotX;
Only problem is I actually need the code in AS2, since the site we’re developing has already been started in AS2 and we’ll be plugging this into it. Is there a way to convert this down to AS2? Thanks for your time!