[AS3] using the flash.net.NetConnection class


I’m trying to figure out a nice way to handle connecting with a client made in Flash CS3 to a Flash Media Server (3.5).
I intendedly called the connect method with some random IP and tried to control a scenario in which connecting to the server would fail - there seems to be however no timeout after which some Error would pop up or something… as I’m fairly new to AS3 I came up with an Idea I would like somebody experienced at AS3 to comment on :

I have a Connect button, to which I add a listener :

bConnect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fmsConnect);

The fmsConnect function invokes the connect method :


When the client connects to the server successfully, the NetStatusEvent changes, so to move to frame 2 I use another listener :

nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStat);

So my onStat function actually controls the main timeline :

function onStat(nse:NetStatusEvent) {
                if (nse.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {
                } else {

Now, since the NetConnection.Connect.Rejected won’t pop up in the dead end scenario, I decided I could add a timer to fmsConnect :

var timer:Timer = new Timer(15000, 1);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timedCheckConnection);

and finally check if anything happened after those 15 seconds :

function timedCheckConnection(event):void {
            if(!nc.connected) {
            } else {

Is this too messy and is there some smarter way to do it ?