Hi folks. I am putting out a challenge to you artistic folks. The challenge: design a simple logo for the as3isolib library (http://code.google.com/p/as3isolib/)
After receiving an adequate number of submissions, I will post the top 10 selections on the as3isolib users’ group (http://groups.google.com/group/as3isolib-users-group) and put it to a vote.
Obviously if yours is selected, you will get the honor of having your logo represent the coolest as3 isometric library out there. There are no rules, just a few suggestions:
[]possible incorporate isometric content
[]not too many colors
[]simple sans-serif fonts (where applicable)
Some basic info (per DDD’s suggestion, thanks DDD):
[]base/demographic is basically game designers/developers
[]logo will be displayed both on the project home (google code) as well as the users group, print is not a targeted medium at this point but might be at some point in the future
[]winning logo will most definitely have some sort of link back to their portfolio at the very least
[]the deadline for this will be Dec 31, 2008 @ 11:59PM EST
Anyway, I look forward to your submissions. Please submit them to the following email address: as3isolib {at} gmail {dot} com