Asfunction and several variables

I’ve got a movie that loads a text-file with an asfunction href in it. I want to send two or three variables from the asfunction, but hw do I do this? My code looks like this:

<a href="asfunction:_root.bytText,finnveden,3">Finnvedens Lastvagnar Öst AB</a>

and my function in flash looks like this:
[AS]function bytText(kund,pos) {
_root.kund = kund;
_root.bildpos = pos * _root.startpos;
//gets a text-file called “_root.kund.txt”
This code makes flash think that it should get a textfile called “finnveden,3.txt”, but I want to get the file called “finnveden.txt” and set _root.bildpos to 3 * _root.startpos. Are you with me?

So what I want to is pretty simple. I need the correct syntax for sending several variables.

I think this should work :-\

function txtVars(txt){
var myVars = txt.split("/");
_root.bildpos = _root.startpos*myVars[0];
loadVariablesNum(myVars[1]+".txt", 1);
<a href='asfunction:txtVars,3/finnveden'>Finnvedens Lastvagnar Öst AB</a>

Yes it did Claudio :slight_smile: I found it an hour after I posted here, at this page but thanks anyway :slight_smile: Really needed that one.

Glad you got it working