Im a noob in Flash and i really want your help in order to complete my final project…I try to make Flash integrate with ASP. I have read many tutorials and i managed so far to make Flash show the dynamic text. The problem is that i cant move to the next record in my database…I know that something is missing in my code but i dont know what…
<!–#include file="…/Connections/dataConn.asp" -->
Dim rsCaseStudies
Set rsCaseStudies = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset”)
rsCaseStudies.ActiveConnection = MM_dataConn_STRING
rsCaseStudies.Source = “SELECT * FROM case_studies”
rsCaseStudies.CursorType = 1
rsCaseStudies.CursorLocation = 2
rsCaseStudies.LockType = 1
rsCaseStudies.Move CLng(Request(“Record”))
Response.write “company_Name=”& Server.URLEncode(rsCaseStudies(“company_Name”)) & “&”
Response.write “sector=”& Server.URLEncode(rsCaseStudies(“sector”)) & “&”
Response.write “description=”& Server.URLEncode(rsCaseStudies(“description”)) & “&”
Response.write “url=”& Server.URLEncode(rsCaseStudies(“url”)) & “&”
Response.write “solution=”& Server.URLEncode(rsCaseStudies(“solution”)) & “&”
Response.write “technology=”& Server.URLEncode(rsCaseStudies(“technology”)) & “&”
Response.write “TotalRecords=” & rsCaseStudies.RecordCount
Set rsCaseStudies = Nothing
AS for the mc with the textfields:
CurrentRecord = 0;
loadVariables (“caseStudies.asp?Record=0”, this);
caseName = company_Name;
caseDescr = description;
caseTech = technology;
caseSol = solution;
caseUrl = url;
caseSect = sector;
AS for the “next” button:
on (release){
if (CurrentRecord == TotalRecords)
CurrentRecord = 0;
loadVariables("courses.asp?Record="(CurrentRecord), this);
Im not quite sure about the code in the next button…
Any suggestions would be really helpful!