ASP Functions

Hey guys.

Im making a paging project with ASP and MySQL. I’m using the limit and offset fuctions in MySQL to make the paging possible

Ok. hte problem

I have a function that outputs the total # of records. this is the function.

Function getCount(sql)
    Set RScount = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    RScount.Open "SELECT Count(*) as rscount FROM " & sql & ";", Conn
    Response.Write RScount("rscount")
    set RScount = Nothing
End Function

that works perfectly

the problem is that when i want to use the total number of record to compare with the paging buttons, it prints the total records.

I hope that makes sense

heres some more code

like if i did this…

<%If pagebigcount < getCount(“news”) then%> | <a href=“options.asp?action=3&page=<%=intPage + 1%>”>Next 5</a><%end if%>

if i had 7 records, it puts out …

7 Next 5

any ideas?

this is probably really confusing, if it is, sorry. tell me and ill try harder to explain it.

thanks for any help