through my whole “journey” of building my web app with asp, you guys have answered my question. i wanna say thanks.
but i have another question, and ill prolly have more.
OK. i get this error…
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers[font=Arial][size=2]error '80040e07'[/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2]/community/news_comment.asp[/size][/font][font=Arial][size=2], line 47[/size][/font]
and this is the code that causes the error.
<%set RScomments = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE storyid=" & Request.QueryString("storyid") & ""
RScomments.Open strSQL, Conn
If not RScomments.eof then
while Not RScomments.eof
<div class="asset"><span class="newstitle"><%= RScomments("item_title")%></span>
<br><%= RScomments("item_when")%> <strong>- by</strong> <%= RScomments("item_user")%><br><br>
<%= RScomments("item_body")%></div>
Response.write "There are no comments right now."
end if
line 47 is where the recordset is opened.
i dont know whats causing this error, tahts why i came here
Edit:// the querysting “storyid” is an integer, just incase you were wondering
Thanks for anyhelp,