Asp problem

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' 

Server.CreateObject Failed 

/mail.asp, line 33 


i get that message from my email asp form. it looks like it is having problems creating the new email. the real weird part is that i use this exact same script on like ten other sites and it works fine. i know that my server supports asp so that should not be the problem. however the sites that this script works for are not hosted in the same place as the site that is not working. what i am thinking is that for some reason my window server that i am hosted with does not support CDONTS? Anyone else ever have this problem? here is my asp i am using.

'##     ASP by Farrung Interactive|    ##
Dim name, address, email, phone, comments 
Dim objCDOMail 'The CDO object

'##      Change [email][/email] to your email address      ##
name = Request.Form("name") 
address = Request.Form("address")
email = Request.Form("email")
phone = Request.Form("phone")
comments = Request.Form("comments")
options = Request.Form("Options")

    message = "<HTML><table width='80%' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><tr><td> " & _
	"<p><strong>Name:</strong> " & name & _
	"<p><strong>E-mail:</strong> " & email & _
	"<p><strong>Phone:</strong> " & phone & _
	"<p><strong>Address:</strong> " & address & _
	"<p><strong>Comments:</strong> " & comments & _
	"<p><strong>Request:</strong> " & Options & _

Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

'##  Change yourname to reflect where the email is sent from  ##
objCDOMail.From = "..::::studioFuel"
objCDOMail.To = ""
objCDOMail.Subject = "make contact"
objCDOMail.MailFormat = 0   
objCDOMail.BodyFormat = 0
objCDOMail.Body = message
Set objCDOMail = Nothing

line 33 is this so you dont have to count them out if you dont want

Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")