ASP question

I have this .asp code from my provider and my problem is how to make the form in flash. I somehow need to setup some variables in my asp file to get the information from flash, right? But how…?

In my asp file:

Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")
JMail.ServerAddress = ""

JMail.Sender = "[email protected]"
JMail.Subject = "Test"

JMail.AddRecipient "[email protected]"

JMail.Body = "Exempel på JMail" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
JMail.Body = JMail.Body & "Best regards ..."

' 1 - highest priority (Urgent)
' 3 - normal
' 5 - lowest
JMail.Priority = 1

Set JMail = Nothing

In my flash where I named my variables in my textfields (senderAdress, senderName, senderMessage, emailStatus;

this.submit_mc.onRelease = function() {
	if (!senderAdress.length || senderAdress.indexOf("@") == -1 || senderAdress.indexOf(".") == -1) {
	emailStatus = "Please enter a valid E-mail address";
 	else if (!senderName.length) {
 	emailStatus = "Please Enter your name";
 	else if (!senderMessage.length) {
 	emailStatus = "Please enter some text in you message";
 	loadVariablesNum ("ASPMail.asp", "0", "Post");
 	emailStatus = "Sending";