ASP Recordsets & Functions Confusion

Hey guys, I have to admit to be being more PHP than ASP - although sods law am working on a project in ASP. Am finding I can take some of the principals across from PHP but theres just one point i am struggling with.

I have this function to loop through and check for banners in a database then display on the site.

function getCurrentBanners()

        dim db
        Set db=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
        SQL = "SELECT * FROM website_banners" SQL, tiebaConn
        current_banners    = "<div id=""rotator""><ul>"
        count = 0
            if not(db.eof) then
                do while not db.eof 
                    if count <> 0 then
                        current_banners = current_banners & "<li>" & vbCrLf
                        current_banners = current_banners & "<li class=""show"">" & vbCrLf
                    end if
                    current_banners = current_banners &  "<img alt=""" & db("strBannerAlt") &""" src=""/banners/uploads/" & db("flBannerImage") &""">" & vbCrLf
                    current_banners = current_banners & "</li>"  & vbCrLf
                count = count +1
            End If     
        current_banners = current_banners & "</ul></div>"
        set db=nothing
        getCurrentBanners = current_banners
end function        

which works BUT as soon as i try and add a link in (<a href…) via an IF statement before hand to check it needs a link as per below.

if db("strLink") <> "" then
                    current_banners = current_banners & "<a href="""& db("strLink") &""">"  & vbCrLf
 end if

 current_banners = current_banners &  "<img alt=""" & db("strBannerAlt") &""" src=""/banners/uploads/" & db("flBannerImage") &""">" & vbCrLf
if db("strLink") <> "" then
                    current_banners = current_banners & "</a>"  & vbCrLf
 end if

i get the resulting code…

<li class="show">
<a href="website link"> ' does appear
<img alt="" src="[/banners/uploads/]("> ' alt and source are both blank?