[asp] Updating records in flash

Hello everyone, I’m in dire need of help.

I currently have a form in flash that needs to be updated. I can pull data from my ASP page (through a filemaker DB) into flash and even run a search against it. However, I’m having trouble creating the update functionality. If somebody could point me in the right direction or get me started, you will have my eternal gratitude!

Please help!

what do you need ?

how to write update code in asp

or how to call the update.asp correctly ?

I was able to figure it out. Didn’t realize it was much easier than I thought. Anyway this is what I came up with:

Dim registration, oConn, lname, sqlString  

ID = request.QueryString("ID")
'lname = Lcase(lname)
'sqlString = "SELECT * FROM Registration where NameLast = '" & lname & "'"
sqlString = "SELECT * FROM Registration where ID = '" & ID & "'"
'sqlString = Lcase(sqlString)

 Set registration = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 
 Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 

oConn.ConnectionString = "AllAsText=0;ApplicationUsingThreads=1;Driver=FileMaker Pro;FetchChunkSize=100;FileOpenCache=0;IntlSort=0; MaxTextlength=255;ServerAddress=;TranslationOption=0;UseRemoteConnection=1" & Server.MapPath("registration.fp5")
registration.Open sqlString, oConn, 2, 3 

'registration("nameFirst") = request.Form("NameFirst")
'registration("nameLast") = request.Form("NameLast")
registration("jobTitle") = request.QueryString("jobTitle")
registration("company") = request.QueryString("company")
registration("addressOne") = request.QueryString("addressOne")
registration("city") = request.QueryString("city")
registration("state") = request.QueryString("state")
registration("zip") = request.QueryString("zip")
'registration("JobTitle") = request.Form("JobTitle")

if registration.EOF Then
Response.Write "&success=false"
Response.Write "&success=true"
End If

Set registration = Nothing 

Set oConn = Nothing 

good for you