Surpasses AC1 in every way imaginable. It’s almost not the same game w/ regard to writing and game-play.
[]Direct continuation of the first, this time wrapped around the Italian Renaissance.
[]Dezmond’s character is enhanced. You can now fight w/ him at certain points while not in the Animus.
[]Economy system is boss. It’s more like classic RPGs (Zelda, Shining Force, Chrono Trigger, FF). You earn ‘money’ by completing missions and hunting down chests. You buy weapons (there’s a good number of them this time) and they stay with you to grab when you need / want.
[]Movement (free-running, scaling buildings, etc) feels more fluid and controlled.
[]Writing is greatly superior to that of the first game. There’s a real story to dig into this time around.
[]You’re not lonely anymore; Your character makes lots and lots of friends that help you complete missions, blend / hide from guards, and **** **** up.
[]Cities are massive. Srsly, you thought AC2 had expansive level design? Not comparable. In addition to the open worlds / cities, there are a ton of hidden and exclusive maps.
[]Everything you liked about AC1 is still here, just better.
[*]Side missions are more plentiful, varied, and appealing. I beat the crap out of some random guy for cheating on my [in-game] sister. Much better than saving countless bullied citizens for no real reason.
I could go on, but you should really just check it out for yourself. Highly recommended.