Assigning button actions within a loop

This function all works correctly, except where i am assigning an action to the onRelease event of a given button. Every button is assigned to the same value (appears to be the first value pulled from the array). Pretty frustrating…help?!

function createSubItems() {
vspacer = 6;
i = 0;
_global.subHeights = [];
for (j=1; j<=7; j++) {
subOf = “item”+j+"_sub";
subName = eval(_root.subOf);
hotspot = subName.hotspot;
linkArea = subName.linkArea;
colorArea = subName.colorArea;
totalTextHeight = 0;
totalTextWidth = 0;
lvl = 0;
spacer2 = 4;
//create links
tracker = 0;
while (xmlSubLinks* != “endsection”) {
createLinkText(xmlSubLinks*, subName, subOf, lvl, 0x000000);
if (clipName._width>totalTextWidth) {
totalTextWidth = clipName._width;
clipName._y = vspacer+totalTextHeight;
clipName._x = colorArea._x+8;
totalTextHeight += 20;
i += 2;
i += 2;
//size & position subName
if (tracker>0) {
linkArea._height = totalTextHeight+1;
linkArea._width = (spacer-spacer2)+totalTextWidth+(spacer-spacer2);
colorArea._width = linkArea._width+(7);
colorArea._height = totalTextHeight+(spacer2*2)+1;
_global.subHeights[j] = colorArea._height;
colorArea._y = 0;
colorArea._x = 0;
linkArea._y = colorArea._y+spacer2;
linkArea._x = colorArea._x+spacer2;
//draw stuff for the links
bottomOfLink = spacer2;
for (k=0; k<tracker; k++) {
bottomOfLink += 20;
subName.createEmptyMovieClip(“line”+k, k);
subName.createEmptyMovieClip(“link”+k, k+tracker);
//draw line
eval(subName+".line"+k).lineStyle(1, 0xA3A19E, 100);
eval(subName+".line"+k).moveTo((linkArea._x+linkArea._width)-1, bottomOfLink);
if (k<tracker-1) {
eval(subName+".line"+k).lineTo(linkArea._x, bottomOfLink);
//duplicate and move button
subName.linkBox.duplicateMovieClip(“linkBox”+k, -tracker+k);
linkBoxName = eval(subName+".linkBox"+k);
linkBoxName._height = 18.8;
linkBoxName._y = bottomOfLink-19;
linkBoxName._x = linkArea._x+.75;
linkBoxName._width = linkArea._width-2.5;
linkBoxName._alpha = 0;
//create button actions
fadeSpeed = 35;
linkBoxName.onRollOver = function() {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this._alpha<100) {
this._alpha += fadeSpeed;
linkBoxName.onRollOut = function() {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this._alpha>0) {
this._alpha -= fadeSpeed;
linkBoxName.onRelease = function() {
//position main area
subName._y = StageHeight;
subName._x = eval(“boxes.item”+j+"_box")._x;
if (subName._x+colorArea._width>StageWidth) {
subName._x -= colorArea._width;
if (j != total) {
subName._x += (eval(“boxes.item”+(j+1)+"_box"))._x-(eval(“boxes.item”+(j)+"_box"))._x;
} else {
subName._x += StageWidth-(eval(“boxes.item”+(j)+"_box"))._x;
subName.linkBox._visible = false;
subName._visible = false;