Associating a custom Class to loaded SWFs

Hi coder friends !

I am loading some SWFs into a MovieClip which is supposed to hold the “sections” of a website.

Every SWF has got a Class associated with it, named after it’s section name - like -
and they all extend “MovieClip” as it is mandatory for classes associated to SWFs.

But these sections all share some equal behaviours such as “open”, “close”, and others.

So I thought of building an GeneralSection Class, so my SWFs with their specific Classes
could use it’s methods and not have to repeat the same function definitions such as “open” and “close”.

I know I could implement an Interface, but still I would have to define the methods anyway.

All I want is that the SWFs I load adopt methods from my class “”

Does anyone know how I could do this ?