Attach Movie function problem

Hi I am very advanced when it comes to AS 3.0 but I have recently taken up a job to develop in AS2.0 and having a bit of a problem making it OOP. Okay here is the problem I have main.fla and


import TranslitePlaylist;

var obj:TranslitePlaylist;
obj = new TranslitePlaylist(2);


class TranslitePlaylist extends MovieClip{
    var _numOfVids:Number;
    var _mcList:Array;

    public function TranslitePlaylist(numOfVids:Number){

        _numOfVids = numOfVids;
        _mcList = new Array(numOfVids);
        trace("TranslitePlaylist created");
    public function BuildList(){
        var pos:Number = 0;
        for(var i = 0;i<_numOfVids;i++){
            _mcList* = attachMovie("Video1","vid1"+i,1);

couple of points

[]“Video1” is an element on the stage of main.fla and has the repective identifier name
]the idea is when TranslitePlaylist is instantiated, I would like to see all the different Video1 MCs display on the stage of main
[]when tracing _mcList I get undefined however when I change it to _mcList* = _root.attachMovie(“Video1”,“vid1”+i,1); it does populate the array however that causes it to attach the movie to the stage.
Any pointers would be much appreciated. Thank you