Attach movie problem

I’m having some issues with my attach movie. I’ve made a button that attaches a movie when pressed.

on (release) {
_root.MTMC.attachMovie ("3d", "window", 1)

Now this works fine when I test the movie.

My main loads this movie into an empty movie clip called “emptyMC”. When I go to test the above code does not work when the button is clicked to attachMovie.

I’ve tried switching _root to this and that didn’t work, and I tried switching _root to _parent and that didn’t work.

What is the code for attaching a movie that is nested in an empty MC in my main movie. I can’t figure this out.

Thanks for any help.

I’m a little confused…is your container called emptyMC or MTMC?

hey adam, I have a container in my main movie called emptyMC. the portfolio.swf section is loaded into emptyMC. Portfolio.swf has a button that attaches a movie into it’s own empty mc called MTMC, but it’s not loading into MTMC, it definitely has to do with _root, but I can’t figure out where the button should call the attachMovie into.

hope this makes sense.



Hey Adam, I actually just tried that and it didn’t work. I’m not sure why. Anything else I might be able to try? I’ve been through eevrything I can think of so far.

Can you upload a zip of your main and portfolio fla?

scratch that Adam, looks like it’s working just fine now. totally weird how it wouldn’t take the first time. thanks for your help man.

no problem, glad you got it :smiley: