Attach multiple moving balls

The code below is supposed to create a seperate ball every second that is affected by wind and gravity, but it attaches and nothing happens. Any suggestions?

counter = 0;
setInterval(plusball, 1000);
function plusball() {
for (var i = 0; i<2; i++) {
_root.attachMovie(“ball”, “bal;”+counter, i);
bl = _root[“ball”+counter];
bl._x = bl.dx;
bl._y = bl.dy;
bl.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x += this.dx;
this._y += this.dy;
if (this._x+this._width/2>400) {
this._x = 400-this._width/2;
this.dx *= -bounce;
if (this._x-this._width/2<0) {
this._x = 0+this._width/2;
this.dx *= -bounce;
if (this._y+this._height/2>400) {
this._y = 400-this._height/2;
this.dy *= -bounce;
if (this._y-this._height/2<0) {
this._y = 0+this._height/2;
this.dy *= -bounce;
//this.dy += .4;
bounce = 1;
float = 1;
tx = 2;
var windDX = Math.cos(windAngle)*windSpeed;
var windDY = Math.sin(windAngle)*windSpeed;
this.dx += windDX;
this.dy += windDY;
windAngle += 0.03;
windAngle = -10;
windSpeed = .4;