Attaching fading removing

im trying to fade an attached MC in and out then do other stuff and remove it again. here is what i have…along with my comments…any help is greatly appreciated…i’m still somewhat of a n00b.

// this is all on _root

// variables
cAlpha = 20;
fCount = 2;
logoFadeCount = 0;
logoFadeDir = 1;

// inits
logoInit = {_x:360, _y:240, _alpha:100};
maskInit = {_x:230, _y:240};
bgInit = {_x:360, _y:240};

// fade up
fadeUp = function(){
if(logoFadeCount<fCount && logoFadeDir == 1) if(this._alpha>0) this._alpha -= cAlpha;
else {logoFadeDir = -1;}
else {this.onEnterFrame=fadeDown}}

// fade down
fadeDown = function(){
if(logoFadeCount<fCount && logoFadeDir == -1) if (this._alpha<100) this._alpha += cAlpha;
else {logoFadeDir = 1; logoFadeCount++;}
else {this.onEnterFrame=fadeUp}}

// attach movie

// fade the MC
_root.logoMC.onEnterFrame = fadeUp

// this works…sorta…it fades up and down according to what i set it at. but the variable logoFadeCount never goes up.
// example: if i put at the end of the last bit of code

if (logoFadeCount == fCount) _root.attachMovieClip(“maskMC”,“maskMC”,1,maskInit)

// won’t work because logoFadeCount never gets passed zero…at least outside those functions above…however
// if i add this function:

fader = function(){fadeUp}

// then have it called instead of fadeUp like so:
_root.logoMC.onEnterFrame = fader

// i do get logoFadeCount above zero…but…then EVERYTHING i attach will fade up and down. even static images put on the stage.