Attaching Movieclips From Library Into a Movieclip

I have a MC shape, its actually a parallelogram and so its slanted and the perspective is tilted a bit (not sure if this matters).

I also have a few different MCs in the library the same shape which I want to place into the MC shape when different buttons are pressed.

For button one, I used this code:

on (release) {

Am I doing something wrong or using the wrong code? In the library, I named the first MC “firstMC” as you can see. I also put the linkage as “export as actionscript”.

Any clues?

look up attachMovie in Flash help and it will show you the parts of the command you’re missing :slight_smile: Once you get those in, it should work great

You also have to give it a new name (which can still be the same) and assign a level as well.

on (release) {
myShape.attachMovie("firstMC", "firstMC_2", 100);

Lol I just checked out’s technotes and I was missing the new name and level like both of you said…

Thanks I feel dumb hah.