attachMovie and clear interval

Hi everyone,
Im using attachMovie to load movieclips dynamically on the stage.
this works fine except that there is always an extra movieClip on the top, left corner of the stage.

I am using a set interval to place the mc’s on stage at regular intervals.

I also have a clearInterval that is not getting triggered. I got the code for this from the flash help files.

my code for attachMovie is as follows:

var intervalId:Number;
function placeFrogs():Void {
 this.attachMovie("frog_id", "frog_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
 this.frog_mc._x = random (500)+ 10;
 this.frog_mc._y = random (450)+ 10;
//put the placefrogs function inside another function which will be triggered
//by the setInterval
function timerPlaceFrogs():Void{
//this loads the frog_mc on the stage after approx 2 secs
function beginInterval():Void {
if(intervalId != null) {

 intervalId = setInterval(timerPlaceFrogs, 1800);

any pointers on where I am going wrong?
Thank you .