attachMovie Depth

Howdy all,

I have another question. Basically I have a for loop that that pulls movie clips from the library and gives each one an _alpha of 0.

I then have another script, which fades in a specific movieClip when the cursor in a certain position.

The problem I am having is that it only fades in the highest movieClip because it is the highest depth wise. I thought because all of the _alpha is set to 0, you would see it anyway, alas this is not the case.

Here is the actions for my loop

var numMcs:Number = 17;
	for(i:Number = 0; i <= numMcs; i++)
		if(Stage.width <= 1024){
			container.attachMovie("img"+i+"_mc", "img"+i, getNextHighestDepth(), { _width: 800 , _height: 462 });
			container["img"+i]._alpha = 0;
		}else if(Stage.width <= 1240){
			container.attachMovie("img"+i+"_mc", "img"+i, getNextHighestDepth(), { _width: 900 , _height: 419 });
			container["img"+i]._alpha = 0;

		}else if(Stage.width >= 1280){
			container.attachMovie("img"+i+"_mc", "img"+i, getNextHighestDepth(), { _width: 1040 , _height: 600 });
			container["img"+i]._alpha = 0;

I have tried both ‘getNextHighestDepth’ and just setting it to a number…no dice.

Any Ideas?
