attachMovie embedded Buttons/Movies

I’m developing a flash menu (using flash MX) for a website I’m building (it’s a gallery to show off my travel photos and my journal entries). I have the basic layout the way I want but I am having a problem accessing buttons within an attached movie.

//quick hack to get onRelease functionality for a movieclip
global.MovieClip.prototype.onRelease = function(murl){
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
this.onRelease = function(){
delete this.onEnterFrame;

//when a user places their mouse over a menu item, it will scroll out from the right
//if there are submenus associated with this item, loadsubMenu function will be called

MovieClip.prototype.topmenuOut = function(tmo_speed,has_sub1,toload,temp_name){
if(has_sub1 eq “” || has_sub1 ne “false” && has_sub1 ne “true”){
has_sub1 = “false”;
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(this._x > 0){
this._x -= tmo_speed;
if(has_sub1 eq “true”){
global.isShowing = this;
delete this.onEnterFrame;

//when a user moves their mouse away from a menu item, if it is "exposed" it will move 
// back to its default

MovieClip.prototype.topmenuIn = function(tmi_speed,has_subm){
if(has_subm eq “” || has_subm ne “false” && has_subm ne “true”){
has_subm = “false”;
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(this._x < 214){
this._x += tmi_speed;
if(has_subm eq “true”){
_global.isShowing = “”;
delete this.onEnterFrame;

//called from topmenuOut if there are submenus present; will attach the appropriate movie //as set in the movieclip that the mouse is currently placed over and will attach the //submenu clip to the current movieclip
//all calling (top level menus) movies have had their linkage set to export for actionscript //and first frame and reference names set
//in addition the submenu is faded in and out depending if todo (passed from calling menu //movie) is set to add_ or del_

MovieClip.prototype.loadSubMenu = function(todo,omovie,temp_movie){
if(todo eq “add_”){
temp = this.attachMovie(omovie,temp_movie,100,{_x:0,_y:54});
temp._alpha = 0;
temp.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(temp._alpha < 100){
this.alpha += 5;
delete temp.onEnterFrame;
if(todo eq "del
temp.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(temp._alpha > 0){
this._alpha -= 5;
delete temp.onEnterFrame;

//from a menu movie (called guestbook) and defined in the movie itself

if(global.isShowing eq this){

The problems lies in the fact that I have a movie called mov_subm_guestbook, exported for AS and first frame with the label: subm_guestbook.  When you hover over the top level menu "guestbook", it will move from right to left then the submenu will be show (the attachMovie) with fade in and fade out if I move off of "guestbook".  However I cant access any of the two buttons in the submenu.  I have defined both as buttons and nothing.  Then I made a movie clip for one button and used swapDepths to set it to 999 just to see if something was above, but still no luck.  I can click on "guestbook" and get the trace popup which says hello and if I click on the submenu I get the trace popup to say hello (but it should be popping up saying "in here").  Is this a depth issue?  Is there a better way to get the buttons within the attached movie to work?  I'm still new to flash so any help would be great.  Thanks.


edit: cleaned up my post, should really preview before submitting, also, I'm using:

Button.prototype.swapDepths = MovieClip.prototype.swapDepths;

to allow me to set the depth of the two buttons in the attached movie to 999 (well above anything I have in flash file.  But I when I click on the buttons in the attached Movie still no action other than the trace popup that should fire off when I click on the "guestbook" movie.  However if I test the guestbook submenu scene with the two button they work fine.