attachMovie in a loop, how do i have more control over x/y?

hi there.

i’ve got an attachMovie in a for loop, that creates a number of buttons, depending on how many names are in an array. as of right now i have the buttons created vertically, and im controlling the x value, like this:

allNames = attachMovie(“menuButton”,myArray[e],depth,{_y:allNames._y+allNames._height+5});
allNames._x = 520;

i’d like to do two things that this won’t let me do:

a. have more control over the Y coordinate, so when the loop starts i can say 'start making the buttons at x: 520, y: 350, instead of them just starting at y: 0 like they are now.

b. have a way to check if the amount of buttons reaches five in height, if so, the array starts a new column at x: 600 y: 350. im trying to have it do that about 3 times, as the amount of buttons will vary from 5-15.

is a or b possible? i’ve been trying to figure out both to no avail.

thanks for any insight you might have.

take care!