Hello, I am having an issue with with attachMovie clip, any and all help is appreciated. I am using Flash MX 2004 Pro. Here is my code.
xPos = 0;
yPos = 0;
function allThumbs() {
for (ctr=1; ctr<=40; ctr++) {
path = "apparel/apparel" + ctr+ "/apparel"+ctr+"_small.swf";
mcName = ("apparel"+ctr);
this.attachMovie("swap_mc", [mcName], 1);
eval(mcName)._x = xPos;
eval(mcName)._y = yPos;
eval(mcName)._xscale = 50;
eval(mcName)._yscale = 50;
xPos= xPos + 38;
[font="]Basically I have 40 thumbnail swfs in folders. In the current swf I would like to create a new MC with attachMovie, it is an empty swap_mc out of the library (I have checked the linkage and name). I would like to then name it the contents of the variable mcName. Then take that instance set the x and y positions and scale it down by 50%. Then I would like to load thumbnail .swf into that swap_mc move over 38 pixels on x-axis and repeat for all 40.[/font]